Hi folks!!!
If it interests you, try these exercises...
segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011
Recuperação do 1° ano - Ensino Médio
Hi everybody,
For those to whom it may concern here is the list of exercises for "recuperação"...
For those to whom it may concern here is the list of exercises for "recuperação"...
Martin Luther King - the video
This is for everybody who is reading and enjoying to learn about the life of such a noble man who fought for equality and peace among men...
Hope you like it!!!!
Hope you like it!!!!
segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011
quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011
Campanha da Coca-Cola
Essa vai para todos aqueles que como eu curtiram a nova campanha da Coca-cola.
Não gosto do refrigerante, mas a mensagem é genial...e a música...FANTÁSTICO arranjo para "Whatever", do Oasis.
Quem compartilha minha opinião, que tal deixar um comentário?
Não gosto do refrigerante, mas a mensagem é genial...e a música...FANTÁSTICO arranjo para "Whatever", do Oasis.
Quem compartilha minha opinião, que tal deixar um comentário?
Composição : Noel Gallagher
I'm free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
Whatever I choose
And I'll sing the blues if I want
I'm free to say whatever I
Whatever I like
If it's wrong or right it's alright
Whatever I like
If it's wrong or right it's alright
Always seems to me
You only see what people want you to see
You only see what people want you to see
How long's it gonna be
Before we get on the bus
And cause no fuss
Get a grip on yourself
It don't cost much
Before we get on the bus
And cause no fuss
Get a grip on yourself
It don't cost much
Free to be whatever you
Whatever you say
If it comes my way it's alright
Whatever you say
If it comes my way it's alright
You're free to be wherever you
Wherever you please
You can shoot the breeze if you want
Wherever you please
You can shoot the breeze if you want
quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011
THE TEMPEST - Homework
Activity 5
Match each word in the left-hand column with the correct definition in the right-hand column.
1. banished (v)
2. betrayed (v)
3. confined (v)
4. forgave (v)
5. grief (n) .
6. noble (adj)
7. repented (v)
8. shipwreck (n)
9. slave (n)
10. usurped (v)
a. great sorrow.
b. of a high moral quality.
c. destruction of a ship, usually by accident, as a result of crashing or sinking.
d. expressed that he was no longer angry with someone about something.
e. servant without personal freedom.
f. was sorry and regretted doing something bad.
g. forced to leave a place (usually one’s country), especially as a punishment.
h. took power or position for oneself illegally.
i. kept in a small or enclosed space.
j. was disloyal.
Now, use the words in the following sentences:
1. The Duchess of Milan ordered Ariel to create a storm that would
cause a a..............................
2. Antonio b.............................. the Duchess of Milan,
c.............................. her position and d..............................
the Duchess and her daughter from Milan.
3. Gonzalo was a e.............................. man who provided the
Duchess and her daughter with clothes, food and water.
4. Ariel remained twelve years f.............................. until the
Duchess of Milan arrived to the island and released her.
5. Caliban fetched the wood and got food for the Duchess because he was her g..............................
6. Ferdinand was stained with h.............................. after losing his father, the King of Naples, in the
7. King Alonso i............................. what he had done and the Duchess of Milan j.............................. him.
Match each word in the left-hand column with the correct definition in the right-hand column.
1. banished (v)
2. betrayed (v)
3. confined (v)
4. forgave (v)
5. grief (n) .
6. noble (adj)
7. repented (v)
8. shipwreck (n)
9. slave (n)
10. usurped (v)
a. great sorrow.
b. of a high moral quality.
c. destruction of a ship, usually by accident, as a result of crashing or sinking.
d. expressed that he was no longer angry with someone about something.
e. servant without personal freedom.
f. was sorry and regretted doing something bad.
g. forced to leave a place (usually one’s country), especially as a punishment.
h. took power or position for oneself illegally.
i. kept in a small or enclosed space.
j. was disloyal.
Now, use the words in the following sentences:
1. The Duchess of Milan ordered Ariel to create a storm that would
cause a a..............................
2. Antonio b.............................. the Duchess of Milan,
c.............................. her position and d..............................
the Duchess and her daughter from Milan.
3. Gonzalo was a e.............................. man who provided the
Duchess and her daughter with clothes, food and water.
4. Ariel remained twelve years f.............................. until the
Duchess of Milan arrived to the island and released her.
5. Caliban fetched the wood and got food for the Duchess because he was her g..............................
6. Ferdinand was stained with h.............................. after losing his father, the King of Naples, in the
7. King Alonso i............................. what he had done and the Duchess of Milan j.............................. him.
segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011
Homework: High School 1
This homework is for you: High School 1 (1º ano Ensino Médio)
Answer these questions after watching the video.
a) Where was Conan Doyle from?
b) Who is his most famous character?
c) How many books about this character did he write?
d) Where does the story "The hound of the Baskervilles" takes place?
e) Who was killed first? And who was killed when Holmes was called to solve the mistery?
Answer these questions after watching the video.
a) Where was Conan Doyle from?
b) Who is his most famous character?
c) How many books about this character did he write?
d) Where does the story "The hound of the Baskervilles" takes place?
e) Who was killed first? And who was killed when Holmes was called to solve the mistery?
Homework: HIGH SCHOOL2
This is for you, High School 2 (2º ano Ensino Médio)
Watch this video again and answer the questions below.
1) Which people were sent to the camps of concentration?
2) What is the most famous camp of concentration?
3) Who was sent to the camps of concentration?
4) Where was Hitler from?
5) How many people were sent to German?
Now take a look at this site. Tour through the place where Anne Frank lived. http://www.annefrank.org/en/Subsites/Home/Enter-the-3D-house/#/house/20/
Watch this video again and answer the questions below.
1) Which people were sent to the camps of concentration?
2) What is the most famous camp of concentration?
3) Who was sent to the camps of concentration?
4) Where was Hitler from?
5) How many people were sent to German?
Now take a look at this site. Tour through the place where Anne Frank lived. http://www.annefrank.org/en/Subsites/Home/Enter-the-3D-house/#/house/20/
quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011
Projeto "A Christmas Carol"
Os alunos do 9º ano têm um desafio especial.
Após lerem a história de Charles Dickens, vão "viajar" um pouco nas possibilidades por trás desse conto de Natal.
Aí está o projeto escrito.
Projeto “A Christmas Carol” : TODAY, YESTERDAY, TOMORROW (Ontem, Hoje, Amanhã)
Após lerem a história de Charles Dickens, vão "viajar" um pouco nas possibilidades por trás desse conto de Natal.
Aí está o projeto escrito.
Objetivo: a partir da leitura do livro “A Christmas Carol”, os alunos deverão, em grupos de 3, traçar um paralelo entre a história de Ebenezer Scrooge e sua própria realidade. Para tanto, escolherão um fato presente (que poderá ser de ordem pessoal, social, política, econômica...) e farão uma análise sobre os fatos que o geraram e tentar prever o futuro desse. Poderão, ainda, sugerir mudanças no presente, para que o futuro possa ser diferente.
Da apresentação: este projeto será apresentado em 2 etapas. A primeira, oralmente ,e em grupo. Os integrantes deverão equilibrar a apresentação de forma que todos tenham a mesma oportunidade de serem avaliados. Os alunos deverão utilizar de elementos visuais para ilustrar sua apresentação (apresentação em Power point, cartazes, fotografias, etc).
A segunda, por escrito e individual. Nessa etapa, os alunos deverão apresentar um fichamento do livro contendo as seguintes informações:
Title (título do livro)
Author (autor)
When the story takes place (período onde a história se passa)
Where the story takes place (lugar onde a história se passa)
Summary (resumo da história feito com as palavras do aluno.
Este fichamento deverá ser digitado e apresentado com capa, contendo o título do livro e dados do aluno.
Prazo: O projeto será apresentado e entregue dia 08 de junho (quarta-feira).
Projeto "The Hound of the Baskervilles"
Essa é para os alunos do 1º ano - Ensino Médio
Se vc faltou à aula no dia da entrega da proposta do projeto, aí está ele , para não ter a desculpa de que não sabia o que tinha que fazer...
Projeto: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Se vc faltou à aula no dia da entrega da proposta do projeto, aí está ele , para não ter a desculpa de que não sabia o que tinha que fazer...
Objetivo: Criar um novo final para a história “The Hound of the Baskervilles”
Apresentação: Os grupos contendo 3 alunos cada, deverão apresentar, oralmente, suas versões para um novo final para a história lida. A apresentação oral deverá ser feita em inglês e os integrantes do grupo deverão dosar, igualmente, a fala de cada aluno, de forma que todos tenham as mesmas oportunidades de serem avaliados.
Para apresentação dos trabalhos é importante que os grupos utilizem elementos que colaborem para ilustração dos mesmos, entre eles, cartaz com figuras, ou apresentação em Power point que inclua imagens, ou até mesmo, encenação teatral. Esta apresentação deverá ter, no mínimo 5 , e no máximo 10 minutos.
Além da apresentação oral, os alunos deverão apresentar, individualmente, um fichamento do livro, seguindo o seguinte roteiro:
Book (Título do livro)
Author (Autor)
Characters (Personagens)
Where the story takes place (Onde a história se passa)
When the story takes place (Quando a história se passa)
Summary (Resumo com as palavras do aluno, não copiado)
O Trabalho escrito, deverá ser digitado em folha ofício A4, contendo capa com título do livro e dados do aluno.
Prazo: Tanto o trabalho oral quanto o escrito deverão ser apresentados dia 08/6/2011, quarta-feira.
Projeto: "Diary of a young girl"
Atenção alunos do 2º ano - Ensino Médio

Aí está o projeto de leitura para aqueles que, sem querer, deixaram a circular cair no "buraco negro" que é a
“The Diary of a Young Girl”
Projeto: “Diário de um aluno ...”
Objetivo: Produção textual, em inglês, seguindo o tema “Diário”, endereçado a alguma personagem fictícia ou não, relacionada à história de Anne Frank ( essa personagem pode ser a própria Anne Frank ou alguma personalidade história como Barak Obama, Hitler...)
Já no título, o aluno deverá colocar-se diante do que leu, sendo ele um aluno “entristecido”, “indignado”, “revoltado”,etc.
Desenvolvimento: Para execução do projeto, o aluno terá 1 mês, a partir do dia 09 de maio para escrever, em pelo menos duas passagens por semana, suas ideias sobre a história que está lendo. Essa produção textual pode incluir, inclusive, acontecimentos atuais que o aluno queria comentar.
Na sua produção textual, o aluno deverá identificar a data que está escrevendo, incluindo o dia da semana e a produção deverá ser apresentada semanalmente à professora, que irá, durante o mês, apenas acompanhar a realização da atividade e não corrigi-la, ainda. O trabalho será checado toda segunda-feira, a partir de 16 de maio (16/5, 23/5, 30/5).
Roteiro para apresentação do projeto final:
. Fichamento do livro:
- Name of the characters and their physical/psychological appearence (Os nomes de todas as personagens, dando suas respectivas características físicas e psicológicas);
- Important facts during the story, including the climax (Fatos marcantes dentro da obra , incluindo clímax);
- Conflicts of the story (Problemas presentes na história (conflito);
- Time in which the story takes place (Período em que se passa a narrativa (tempo);
- Where the story takes place (Onde ela se passa (espaço);
. Diário
Observações finais:
. Este projeto é individual e deverá ser entregue dia 08 de junho de 2011, quarta-feira;
. O trabalho deverá conter uma capa, com o título e a foto do aluno;
. O trabalho deverá ser digitado, em folha de papel ofício A4.
terça-feira, 10 de maio de 2011
Hi 9th graders!!!
The challenge of the day is...
Answer the question in English, join the blog and don´t forget to use the FEED of news.
See you tomorrow!!!
The challenge of the day is...
Answer the question in English, join the blog and don´t forget to use the FEED of news.
See you tomorrow!!!
segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2011
The issue of the weekend
Either you liked it or not, you cannot deny that the issue of the weekend was...
Prince William and (now) Princess Kate are the World´s sweethearts of the moment...
Do you think Kate Midleton is a fortunate girl?
Would you like to be in her place?
Do you know there are many things "poor" Kate can´t do anymore?
Check some of them out...
1. Be referred to as 'Kate'
When Kate Middleton joins the House of Windsor this year, her official title will become ‘Her Royal Highness the Princess William of Wales’.
She can be addressed as 'Catherine' or 'Ma'am' (pronounced like 'ham'). But 'Kate' isn't going to cut it anymore by Royal standards.
2. Vote
Technically, the Queen and other members of her family are allowed to vote, but they do not do so because in practice it would be considered unconstitutional and not in accordance with the need for neutrality.
3. Run for political office
For the reasons stated above, this is also a no no.
4. Play Monopoly
In 2008, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, said that the Royal Family was not allowed to play Monopoly at home "because it gets too vicious". No member of the family has yet revealed what they play in its place during the Christmas holidays.
5. Say or do anything controversial
This includes accepting large amounts of money from 'businessmen' for access to your husband and getting your toes sucked in public by your financial adviser. You know who you are, Fergs.
But it also encompasses Kate's expression of her preferred political position, social position, sexual position – basically anything within the realms of personality.
So far she has succeeded seamlessly in this, not putting a foot wrong in any situation. Granted though, the world has only heard her speak once after her and William's engagement and that was a heavily rehearsed affair.
6. Eat shellfish
British Royals are apparently never served shellfish, because of a fear of food poisoning. So if Kate can't live without crustaceans, she will have to seek them out in her own time.
7. Work
It is well known that Royals and careers don't mix well. As proven when Prince Charles' plan to work part time in a factory failed and Countess Sophie Wessex was forced to abandon her PR firm.
In Kate's case though, the whole unemployment scenario shouldn't be too difficult to handle. At 29 years of age she is the oldest spinster ever to marry a future king, and though she has a History of Art degree and years of life experience, Kate has spurned work wherever possible.
8. Sign anything unofficial
As a potential future counsellor of state if William becomes king, Kate might at some stage have to sign government papers and brings legislation into force in her husband's place.
People in this position are strictly not supposed to sign anything that could lead to their signature being copied and forged.
Last year Prince Harry was in hot water when he flouted this rule by signing the plaster cast of a girl who had fractured her arm, a media report said.
The 17-year-old from Leicestershire was so excited she said her cast would be "going in a glass box", which the Queen might not have been too happy about.
9 Finish her dinner
If she is a slower eater than her grandmother-in-law, Kate could go hungry. In Britain, when the Queen stops eating, you stop as well, fork in hand.
10 Escape the scrutiny
As arguably Britain's most dysfunctional family, the Monarchy provides the British public with a generous source of voyeuristic entertainment, and an opportunity for heartless slander.
Having already been under the media spotlight for the best part of nine years, Kate has copped her fair share of criticism from the media over the most mundane and insignificant of things.
She's a commoner. She's an outrageous social climber. She's not outgoing enough. Her mum is an air hostess who uses the word 'toilet'.
The public watchdog will be onto Kate 24/7, so when she slips on that tiara come 29 April she will damn well have to make sure it’s a pretty one. But not too pretty. That would be exhibitionist.
Prince William and (now) Princess Kate are the World´s sweethearts of the moment...
Do you think Kate Midleton is a fortunate girl?
Would you like to be in her place?
Do you know there are many things "poor" Kate can´t do anymore?
Check some of them out...
1. Be referred to as 'Kate'
When Kate Middleton joins the House of Windsor this year, her official title will become ‘Her Royal Highness the Princess William of Wales’.
She can be addressed as 'Catherine' or 'Ma'am' (pronounced like 'ham'). But 'Kate' isn't going to cut it anymore by Royal standards.
2. Vote
Technically, the Queen and other members of her family are allowed to vote, but they do not do so because in practice it would be considered unconstitutional and not in accordance with the need for neutrality.
3. Run for political office
For the reasons stated above, this is also a no no.
4. Play Monopoly
In 2008, Prince Andrew, Duke of York, said that the Royal Family was not allowed to play Monopoly at home "because it gets too vicious". No member of the family has yet revealed what they play in its place during the Christmas holidays.
5. Say or do anything controversial
This includes accepting large amounts of money from 'businessmen' for access to your husband and getting your toes sucked in public by your financial adviser. You know who you are, Fergs.
But it also encompasses Kate's expression of her preferred political position, social position, sexual position – basically anything within the realms of personality.
So far she has succeeded seamlessly in this, not putting a foot wrong in any situation. Granted though, the world has only heard her speak once after her and William's engagement and that was a heavily rehearsed affair.
6. Eat shellfish
British Royals are apparently never served shellfish, because of a fear of food poisoning. So if Kate can't live without crustaceans, she will have to seek them out in her own time.
7. Work
It is well known that Royals and careers don't mix well. As proven when Prince Charles' plan to work part time in a factory failed and Countess Sophie Wessex was forced to abandon her PR firm.
In Kate's case though, the whole unemployment scenario shouldn't be too difficult to handle. At 29 years of age she is the oldest spinster ever to marry a future king, and though she has a History of Art degree and years of life experience, Kate has spurned work wherever possible.
8. Sign anything unofficial
As a potential future counsellor of state if William becomes king, Kate might at some stage have to sign government papers and brings legislation into force in her husband's place.
People in this position are strictly not supposed to sign anything that could lead to their signature being copied and forged.
Last year Prince Harry was in hot water when he flouted this rule by signing the plaster cast of a girl who had fractured her arm, a media report said.
The 17-year-old from Leicestershire was so excited she said her cast would be "going in a glass box", which the Queen might not have been too happy about.
If she is a slower eater than her grandmother-in-law, Kate could go hungry. In Britain, when the Queen stops eating, you stop as well, fork in hand.
10 Escape the scrutiny
As arguably Britain's most dysfunctional family, the Monarchy provides the British public with a generous source of voyeuristic entertainment, and an opportunity for heartless slander.
Having already been under the media spotlight for the best part of nine years, Kate has copped her fair share of criticism from the media over the most mundane and insignificant of things.
She's a commoner. She's an outrageous social climber. She's not outgoing enough. Her mum is an air hostess who uses the word 'toilet'.
The public watchdog will be onto Kate 24/7, so when she slips on that tiara come 29 April she will damn well have to make sure it’s a pretty one. But not too pretty. That would be exhibitionist.

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