Our exams are coming...
You know the contents to study are in our site http://www.marcosfreitas.com.br/
For those who haven´t had time or whose parents haven´t given the access code to check it out, here it goes what you have to study.
High School 2
Used To (past habits)
Present Perfect Simple X Simple Past
Adverbs of time (yet, ever, still, never)
Present Perfect Continuous
Prefixes and Suffixes
High School 1
Simple Present
To be and to have
Simple Past
Frequency adverbs
Plural forms
Countable & Uncountable nouns
Cognates (true and false friends)
hi teacher, i visited the blog to see what i had to study for the test tomorrow. and i searched in some websites too, so i know everything to do the test tomorrow. kisses karine
ResponderExcluirGreat, Karine!!!