segunda-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2011

Escrever bem é treino

Os alunos do 2º ano do Ensino Médio estão vivenciando há mais de um ano, na prática,  a máxima que diz "PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT". Começaram já este 2011 com práticas de redação em Inglês e os resultados tem sido excelentes.
Abaixo poderemos ler alguns trechos criados por eles.
Blair, that was her name.  She lived in an apartment in France since she was a child, and went to work there at the house of a couple.
     In a dark morning Blair looked out through the window and saw trees and dry cold wind. It was the the winter of France . As she didn´t enjoy cold weather  and she needed some vacations, she decided to travel to Brazil. Packed her bags and traveled . Spent fifteen days enjoying everything.

…Because if the king died the kingdom would go through hard times. First: Who would rule? She could not because the throne should belong to a man.
It was when her mother decided her daughter should marry as soon as possible, but Princess could  not accept it and was angry because she was very young, She was just fourteen .The mother chose a noble and rich suitor and tried to rush the date of the marriage before the king died.
João Gabriel:
Once upon a time in a darkness place that didn't have light or beautiful people, a place that just had poor people, strange foods and poorly made clothes. In this place didn't exist happiness, just evil.
This is the story of Carla a young girl. The youngster at a house with 6 women. Carla hated living like that, in a ridiculous small shelter, sharing her bed with her other sisters, Mary and Felicia, eating two times a week. Carla wanted to change HER LIFE  with A  young boy she met once, his name was Thomas. Thomas descended from one of the few families that lived well, that wasn't so poor. Carla decided to travel to The Great Mountains of Faith . There it would be possible to make a wish and guarantee a good life for her sisters and herself. However just those who WERE worthy, and HAD truth at their hearts would have their dreams COME TRUE.
Que tal? Gostaria de saber como algumas dessas histórias começam ou terminam? Gostaria de ler a história de outro colega do 2º ano do Ensino Médio? Mande um e-mail para , dizendo que história gostaria de ler na íntegra e a receberá rapidinho.

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