segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2011

Discurso de Barak Obama no Teatro Municipal

Para aqueles que gostam da pessoa e para aqueles que, mesmo sem gostar, querem se atualizar, aí vai um pouco do discurso do homem forte dos Estados Unidos.
O mais bacana é ver/ler a simplicidade de suas palavras e sua tentativa simpática de falar Português.
E melhor: conseguir entender TUDOOOO que ele disse.
Que tal tentar? Aí vai um pouco do que ele falou...

Alo! Cidade! Maravilhoso! Boa tarde, todo o povo brasileiro.
Since the moment we arrived, the people of this nation have graciously shown my family the warmth and generosity of the Brazilian spirit. Obrigado. Thank you.  And I want to give a special thanks to all of you for being here, because I’ve been told that there’s a Vasco football game coming. Botafogo –-  So I know that — I realize Brazilians don’t give up their soccer very easily.
Now, one of my earliest impressions of Brazil was a movie I saw with my mother as a very young child, a movie called Black Orpheus, that is set in the favelas of Rio during Carnival. And my mother loved that movie, with its singing and dancing against the backdrop of the beautiful green hills. And it first premiered as a play right here in Teatro Municipal. That’s my understanding.
And my mother is gone now, but she would have never imagined that her son’s first trip to Brazil would be as President of the United States. She would have never imagined that. And I never imagined that this country would be even more beautiful than it was in the movie. You are, as Jorge Ben-Jor sang, “A tropical country, blessed by God, and beautiful by nature.”
I’ve seen that beauty in the cascading hillsides, in your endless miles of sand and ocean, and in the vibrant, diverse gatherings of brasileiros who have come here today.
And we have a wonderfully mixed group. We have Cariocas and Paulistas, Baianas, Mineiros.
We’ve got men and women from the cities to the interior, and so many young people here who are the great future of this great nation.(...)

Muito obrigado. Thank you. And may God bless our two nations. Thank you very much.

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