quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2011

IMF´s High School students make promisses for this term

Welcome back!!!
A new term is beggining and , like our New Years resolutions, it comes with a lot of good will.
Our High School students wrote letters where they thought their first term and making promisses for a better one.
Here are some examples...
Lorena wrote:Lorena Dantas
Dear teacher  

In this semester my school grades weren´t  good ones. I don't know why, but I can imagine. Maybe because of the vacation or the tiredness .But in the next, I promise that it will change. I will drop all my homeworks off and I will set my time  upI want to take back and to keep on my focus to vestibular. so I won't let you down.
   Yours sincerelly,

Rafaella wrote:Rafaella Krenn
Dear teacher Igor 

I will set me up not to  let you down. I will keep on improving as I  have been  doing and  put my school plans  in (my schools plan  to take my first grades  back my first grades.

                                                           Kisses, Rafaella 

Lucas Medeiros wrote:Lucas Medeiros

 Teacher André 
> I'm sorry , because I HAVEN´T STUDIED   for your tests and HAVEN´T PAID   attention in your class , but I promisse you That I WON´T  let you down this TERM   , I Will study a lot , set MY STUDY up , make A GOOD STUDYING SYSTEM up  and I Will pass in you class to keep on my way to make my dream COME TRUE . 

Ana Carolina FerreiraCarol Costa wrote:

Dear Eros,
I know I wasn't the example of student and that my grades were low this semester. Almost all the students had a low performance. I'm really sorry to let you down, but to be honest the majority of us don't understand well what you explain. Although, I assume that this wasn't the only reason. I haven't studied ENOUGH (the necessary) last semester and I promise I'll do my best to do better this time. I have alreAdy seT up  A GROUP OF SOME FRIENDS TO STUDY  and I've  borrowed some books with my uncle, that I only have to take them back in the end of the year. I'm sure this will help me a lot, just like doing all the homework. I've HAD some difficulty in your subject and I don't really like it, but I'll keep on studying this time. I was thinking if I COULD  hand in a work to increase my grade. I'll drop THIS LETTER off  at the secretary and ask them to give to you. Next class we can talk about it.
Faithfully, Carol Ferreira.

Well, that´s it. Hope our students keep on trying their best and be successful this term!!!
Best wishes for you all!!!

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